Friday, January 11, 2008

Popotla, MX Kasey L. Anderson B1 Andersen

After the New Year, Kasey's Gnomio was glad to get back to nature, and Popotla was just the place to do it. Popotla was a really tight-knit community with seafood restaurants adorning the sides of the cliffs and raw-meat booths scattered along the beach. Cars drive across the firm sand; daring tourists partake of the raw seafood cocktails that are freshly cut out of the shell.

Gnomio was unhappy about the starfish- he said it made him itchy.

1. A favorite place in Popotla is definitely the seafood restaurants and the beach.
2. A common natural disaster is flooding.
3. The common sport (like most Latin American countries) of course, is soccer.
4. Favorite Part? Washing out shells at the beach.

-Tasting the flavor of places around the globe,
Gnomio and Pepper (aka KC)

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