Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Damian Rivers (Andersen B1)

1. The climate in Montana is a lot like where you live. Although in the summertime it is rare to get in the hundreds. Also, in about february there are days when the temperatures get below zero.

2. There are so many kinds of animals here, and most of them hang out around our house. We mainly see deer and antelope (eating our plants), but our neighbors shot at a bobcat around their house. We also saw some bears by Glacier National Park, which is 3 hours from our house. We have also seen big horn sheep, mountain goats, and elk.
3. The state of Montana is ranked 4th in area, although it is ranked 44th in population. The population is around 945,000 people. We don't have many close neighbors, and we even ride our four wheelers just to pick up our mail.
4. The hightest peak in Montana is Granite Peak with an elevation of 12,799 feet. While Montana is known for its mountainous regions, around 60% is actually prairies.

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