Thursday, October 11, 2007

Scott Cooper- Buck goes to England!

This is Buck here - your Geo Gnome.   I'm in England right now, so

I was thinking about where in the world I could travel, and it was obvious
really. I mean where do Gnomes live???? Everyone knows they live at the
bottom of the garden, so I thought I'd go to a Garden.

I considered the "Hanging Gardens of Babylon" - but they are a ruin mostly;
maybe Garden Grove, but then Orange County California is pretty hot for a
small gnome.

Then I realised - instead of going to ONE garden, I'd go to a whole City of
Gardens - in fact a "Garden City". And where better than the World's
First Garden City!!!

After the Industrial Revolution had turned much of Europe into big factories
and congested housing with workers living close the the workplace without
gardens or open spaces, a group of philanthropists - mostly Quakers - in
England, formed the "Garden City Movement" where they aimed to build Garden
Cities with Parkland; open spaces; tree lined roads and a big garden for
every home with apple trees planted in each person's garden.

The world's First Garden City was built by a Quaker called Ebenezer Howard
and is called "Letchworth Garden City"

It is in England about 40 miles north of London in the County of

Being a Geo Gnome and very eco friendly, I of course took the train to
travel from London. You will see me outside the train station.

I then took a picture of the centre of town - the main street being called
Broadway. There are pictures of me in Boradway; by the Broadway Hotel; in
Broadway Gardens and by the Fountain.

One of the first factories built in Letchworth Garden City was the "Spirella
Company of Great Britain" - a large spacious building with lots of windows
and natural light for the employees.

They made what was known in those days as "lady's foundation garments"
(girls underwear to you and me!!)

There is a couple of pictures of the building and one of me outside it.

It was a fun trip.


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